Clayton Park

  1. Location

    Ashton New Road, Clayton, Manchester, M11 4PX

  2. Opening times

    From dawn to dusk

  3. Facilities

    Children's play area, Multi use games area (MUGA), bowling green, pavilion, war memorial,12th Century Hall including a 'Living Museum'

  4. Play area (age group)

    12 and under

  5. Transport to and around Manchester

    Visit to find transport links

  6. Dogs not allowed

    • Children’s play area
    • Multi use sports area(MUGA)
    • Bowling green
    • 12th Century Hall(including a 'Living Museum'

  7. History

    Clayton Park is home to Clayton Hall, a grade two star Listed building surrounded by rose gardens and accessed by a listed bridge over a drained moat. Mature trees and blocks of woodland surround Clayton Hall, which lies in the centre of the park. The Hall dates back to the 12th Century and is situated on what remains of the vast estate of the De Clayton family. It is reputed that the Royalist army were stationed at Clayton Hall before its attack on Manchester and Oliver Cromwell is said to have stayed there.

  8. Report a problem

    Report any problems in this park

  9. Email

  10. More on parks

    More about parks, playgrounds and open spaces in Manchester

    Barbecues are not permitted in Manchester parks

  11. Friends of the park

  12. External links

    Find out more about activities at this park through MCR Active

  13. Location map

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