Consultations and surveys Manchester to Chorlton cycling and walking route proposals


This consultation was promoted using leaflets distributed to approximately 2,350 properties along the routes, in addition approximately 1,600 leaflets that were handed out upon request at events or dropped off at libraries and businesses.

The proposals were published at public events, local radio media releases, social media and information on the TfGM website was provided.

The consultation exercise generated:

  • 1804 consultation responses. The majority came via the council’s website form and drop-in events, but also from letters, emails and petitions
  • 14,755 views of the consultation information on the website
  • 5113 comments to the proposals, these were grouped into 167 comments of a similar theme
  • 82 specific requests for specific measures  were received 
  • 3 petitions were received from local residents and business group:
    1. 58 signatures from Ashley and Ollerton Road residents regarding the proposed one-way systems
    2. 97 signatures from the Chorlton Traders regarding loss of parking, loading and potential effects on trade
    3. 127 signatures from residents regarding loss of parking, banned movements, and potential of increased 'rat-running', which can potentially lead to congestion and pollution on side roads as a consequence

People who responded via the web page and drop in session, were asked to rate if they agreed or disagreed with the measures being proposed.

For the whole scheme, responses indicate a high level of support.

  • 73 per cent of respondents either agreed or slightly agreed with the proposals. This was made up of 69 per cent who agreed, and 4 per cent who slightly agreed.
  • 25 per cent of respondents either disagreed or slightly disagreed. This was made up of 21 per cent who disagreed and 4 per cent who slightly disagreed.

Pie chart showing results of Manchester to Chorlton cycling and walking route consultation

What you said

A number of comments were received during the consultation including:

  • concern relating to increased congestion or lack of alternative routes
  • more parking required for shoppers and visitors, or too big an impact on local business and shoppers
  • extend cycle lane or link route; City Centre, Didsbury, Deansgate, Fallowfield Loop, Wilbraham Road, Sale Water Park, Seymour Grove, Salford Quays, Media City, Oxford Road, Moss Lane East, Chichester Road South, Stockport and other Greater Manchester districts to Metrolink and all schools, colleges, across Hardy Lane junction
  • enforcement required for parking, speeding, abuse of turning bans, advanced stop lines, blocking drives
  • physical segregation preferred (over advisory, hybrid, paint, hatched) primarily due to parking and vehicle conflict
  • concern as to what is happening with these 'under review' bus stops - requests not to move these (particularly Wood Road and Sylvan Ave)   
  • general request for more pedestrian and Toucan crossings and better facilities including faster response when the button is pressed. Zebra crossings are preferred to push button facility. 

What we have done

Following concerns raised through consultation, we are now not providing Copenhagen Style bus stops as part of the scheme. We will look to provide bus stop by-passes where possible, similar to those already provided on Oxford and Wilmslow Road.

Proposed one-way streets at Ollerton Avenue and Ashley Avenue have been removed from the plans, following concerns raised by residents.

Traffic modelling of the wider area has been carried out to review concerns over rerouting of traffic due to proposed banned movements at signalised junctions. There is still some work to complete to fully understand the model.

A review of the proposed banned movements at signalised junctions will now be undertaken. This is to gauge the predicted impacts on the adjacent road network and, where possible, either eliminate these impacts or mitigate against them by providing traffic management measures on these impacted roads. 

Comments and next steps for each area

See detailed comments and planned next steps for each of the four areas of this scheme:

In addition, we will look at impacts on parking along the route, and identify potential parking mitigation measures. This will be ongoing throughout the development of the scheme.

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