Personal Data used by the Coroner's Service
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into effect on 25 May 2018, replacing the previous rules under the Data Protection Act 1998. These rules strengthen the protection of personal information and extend the rights that we all have over who holds our information and how it is used.
This is how the rules apply to the Coroners Service:
- Information about a Deceased person is not covered by Data Protection, however, we still consider their dignity and privacy when sharing information.
- Inquests are heard in open court and members of the public are entitled to attend.
- The conclusion of an inquest is a matter of public record, and any person can request a copy of a death certificate from the Registrars Office.
- Information about living people is covered by the GDPR in the usual way.
- Some information, such as the personal details of witnesses, forms part of the Coroner's file of evidence.
If you have questions or concerns about how we use your data, please contact the office at any time.