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Careers advice and guidance

CEAIG resources

Manchester Virtual School have selected some resources that support schools and settings with their careers advice and guidance.

The Gatsby Foundation guide to what a good careers and guidance programme looks like, how to implement the benchmarks and a free evaluation tool.

The Careers and Enterprise Company connects schools and colleges with employers and careers programme providers and supports them to provide young people with effective and high-quality encounters with the world of work.  

Bridge GM provide information on future employment trends in the Greater Manchester region so young people can make well informed and realistic choices.This site also includes resources to help build the information into lessons.

National Careers Service is aimed at young people around jobs, what they involve, where they can lead and the entry routes into them. It also has tools to help young people understand the skills they have to offer and the job application process.

Sign up for opportunities and support from the Manchester City Council Work and Skills Team.