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The PEP process

PEP checklist - before, during, after

Manchester Virtual School have produced a checklist that details the roles of designated teachers and social workers before, during and after a PEP meeting. 

Download our PEP checklist here.

Before the meeting - the round robin

Designated teachers should circulate a round robin to the young person's Mathematics, English and Science teachers in advance of the meeting.

A sample round robin can be downloaded here.

Social worker and designated teacher should make contact to confirm the date and time of the meeting. 

During the meeting - a strengths-based approach

The PEP meeting should be led by the following three questions, which social workers will be used to calling 'signs of safety':

1) What is working well?

2) What we are worried about?

3) What needs to happen?

The PEP discussion should also be informed by the previous PEP's SMART targets, the core subject teachers' completed round robins and the voice of the young person. 

Please avoid going through the PEP as a form during the meeting; the PEP checklist shows what pages social workers and designated teachers can complete in advance. The PEP meeting itself should focus on the young person's successes and allow professionals to put positive support plans into place. 

After the meeting 

The answers noted to the above three questions can be used to upload a record of discussion, complete the pupil voice and create SMART targets.

Both social workers and designated teachers are equally responsible for ensuring a PEP is completed and submitted termly for Our Young People.