Our future Manchester
With our priorities reset we can head towards our vision of Manchester in 2025 which will:
- Have a competitive, dynamic, sustainable and fair economy that draws on our strengths in science, advanced manufacturing, and culture, creative and digital businesses – cultivating and encouraging new ideas.
- Possess highly skilled and enterprising people.
- Be connected, internationally and with the UK.
- Play our full part in limiting the impacts of climate change.
- Be a place where people from all backgrounds feel safe, can aspire, succeed and live well.
- Be clean, attractive, culturally rich, outward-looking and welcoming.
To get there Manchester must put equality, inclusion and sustainability at the heart of all we do.
We can only get there if everyone works together, building on Manchester’s strong history of partnership.
New focus
To achieve our vision, our communities asked for a renewed focus on some key areas:
- Our young people – providing investment, support, opportunity and hope for the future of the city.
- Our economy – fulfilling opportunities for our residents as we create and attract a talented, globally competitive and diverse workforce.
- Our health – tackling physical and mental inequalities and ensuring fair access to services.
- Our housing – creating a choice of housing in liveable neighbourhoods across the city.
- Our environment – pioneering zero-carbon solutions and improving green space.
- Our infrastructure – affordable and green transport and better digital connections.
In our consultation, you told us that we can only achieve these things by taking pride in our people and our places and supporting everybody to live fulfilling, happy, healthy lives.
We must understand and tackle inequalities and give support where it’s most needed. Working together and finding new, creative solutions will be more important than ever as we work to improve the city for our communities.
Our future Manchester will be shaped by the past to deliver a better future for all.