Terms and Disclaimer

Terms and conditions

These terms and conditions cover www.manchester.gov.uk and any other websites that include ‘manchester.gov.uk’ in the address.

When you use these websites you are agreeing to accept these terms and conditions, and any additional terms on individual pages within the sites.

We may change this information without notice, so you should revisit this page and any other relevant pages from time to time.

Copyright and use of content

All content is available under the Open Government Licence, except where otherwise stated

External links

The site includes links to other ‘external’ websites. We do not control or endorse these websites and are not responsible for their content.

Disclaimer and limitation of liability

We have taken all reasonable care to compile information and material on this website. But we are not responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused by any inaccuracy or error.

Manchester City Council, our suppliers and any third-parties mentioned on the site are not liable for any damages arising from the use of, or inability to use, this site, or any websites linked to this site.

Your feedback and comments

We welcome your feedback and comments about this site.

If you think there are any mistakes or out-of-date information on the site, please let us know. Use the website feedback form, to tell us which page or pages you think need changing.

Or complete the short ‘Was this information useful’ form at the bottom of the particular page(s).

We consider this sort of feedback, or anything you post on this site, or send us through this site, as non-confidential. We can use this material in any way.

Do not post or send any unlawful, threatening, libellous, defamatory, obscene, or pornographic material to or from this site.

We can monitor or review any areas of the site where users send or post communications, feedback, or comments. But we have no liability for this material.


From time to time we carry out online surveys to collect information that will help us improve our services. These surveys are optional. We may share non-personal, statistical information from these surveys with third parties.

Web privacy statement

Privacy statement