Our Manchester Forum
The Our Manchester Forum is chaired by the Leader of Manchester City Council, Councillor Bev Craig. We work with partners from across the city to get the best outcomes for all residents and communities. The Forum's strategic leadership drives forward the collective vision for the city set out in the Our Manchester Strategy. And it embeds the Our Manchester approach.
The Our Manchester approach is a set of principles that guide Manchester’s ways of working. These principles support our communities and residents:
- Better Lives – it’s about people
- Listening – we listen, learn and respond
- Recognising strengths of individuals and communities – we start from strengths
- Working together – we build relationships and create conversations
The Our Manchester Forum oversees our other city-wide governance boards. And has strategic oversight and coordination of the work delivered by the city’s main partnership boards. We work together to deliver the ambitions and priorities set out in the Our Manchester Strategy. The governance boards and partnerships include:
- Work and Skills Board
- Manchester Housing Providers Partnership
- Health and Wellbeing Board
- Community Safety Partnership
- Manchester Climate Change Partnership
- Children and Young People's Board
- Age Friendly Board
- Our Manchester Investment Board
- Making Manchester Fairer Programme Board