As millions of people up and down the country take to their doorsteps and balconies tonight to join in the weekly #ClapForCarers, social care bosses in Manchester will be making it personal with a direct message to all the social workers, care workers, and other support staff in the city.
The lead councillors for children's social care and for adults have both recorded a direct message to say thank you to every one of the city's social workers, support staff, and other care workers who are all going the extra mile and doing everything they possibly can to keep the city's children, families, and vulnerable adults, safe during these challenging times.
Whilst the current lock-down means the majority of workers are now doing their jobs from the comfort and safety of their own homes, this is not an option for our social workers and care staff whose roles mean it is vital they stay in direct contact with the children, families and adults they are supporting.
For them there is no sitting at their laptop with a cup of tea next to them as they reply to emails and make calls. Instead every day they're getting in their cars and going out across the city, knocking on doors, going into homes and checking in with residents, making sure they are safe and that the much-needed care and vital support they require is in place and is working.
Councillor Garry Bridges, Executive Member for Children and Schools, said: "As the impact of the virus hits home with more of us knowing friends and family who are unwell, and the daily difficulties of the lock-down continue to be felt, the work our social workers and support staff are continuing to do in these challenging circumstances is more important than ever.
"There are still children and families right across the city who need help, support and protection, and without their dedication and commitment, these children and their families would be left without. The spirit and innovation of our staff who are rising to the challenge of doing work that's still needed - but doing it differently- is amazing to see.
"I applaud them all and want to say a massive thank you on behalf of Manchester for keeping going and doing their very best to help keep our children and families safe."
Councillor Bev Craig, Executive Member for Adult Social Care, has written personally to all adult care providers in the city to express the council's gratitude for the work they and their staff are doing, and the council's commitment to supporting them as much as it can within the current fast changing environment.
She said: "Care providers and their staff are making crucial contributions every day in the most difficult of times and now, more than ever, Manchester people need them and their services. The care and support they deliver is crucial and for many, a lifeline they could not do without.
"I know from the daily contact we've set up with services that they're doing a tremendous job, maintaining care and support in the midst of significant challenges around staffing and access to the right equipment to care.
"Too often social care is missed out in the media and I want to make clear my thanks to the social care heroes in our city. We're determined to continue to do everything we can to support them in this vital work they do."