Parents and carers of children due to start school for the first time this Autumn are being urged not to miss today's deadline of midnight tonight (Monday 17 January), to apply for their child's school place.
Applications must be made for all children who require a Reception class place in September, including for those children who currently attend a school nursery. Attendance at a school nursery does not guarantee admission to that school's Reception class - parents still need to apply for a place through the formal city-wide application process.
Parents or carers who haven't yet applied must do so before today's midnight deadline to give their child the best chance of getting a place at one of their preferred schools.
Applications can be made on-line here
Parents and carers are encouraged to name at least three schools on their application form and must rank the schools they list in order of preference - putting the school they would most like their child to attend, if places are available, at the top of the list.
Manchester operates an equal preference system when considering school admission applications. This means that each of the schools named on application forms will be considered at the same time. If the system shows that a place could be offered at more than one school, the child will be offered a place at the school ranked highest on their application form.
Councillor Garry Bridges, Executive Member for Children and Schools, Manchester City Council, said: "We know there's a lot for everyone to think about just now with the ongoing Covid crisis and the impact this continues to have on us all, but we would urge any parents and carers with children due to start school in September to make sure they have applied for their child's place and not to miss today's midnight deadline if they haven't yet made applied.
"It's very quick and easy to apply on-line and should only take ten minutes especially if parents know which schools they would like their child to be considered for.
"If parents aren't sure which schools to list on their application form they should have a look at the websites of different schools to get a feel for what's on offer.
"The important thing though is not to miss the deadline. Applying on time gives parents the best possible chance of securing a place for their child at one of their preferred schools."
All on-time applicants will receive their offer of a school place on national Primary Offer Day - 19 April 2022.