Thomas Penson De Quincey was an English essayist best known the book Confessions of an English Opium-Eater (1821).
This is part of the Moss Side collection which is made up of: Gaskell, De Quincey, Gleave Bronte collections. John Albert Green, the librarian from 1895 of the then independent Moss Side Library, persuaded several local and international collectors as well as relatives of famous authors to donate their collections to our library. The Coleridge collections also belonged to him.
What's available
- six boxes of magazine articles by De Quincey extracted from the leading magazines of the day such as Blackwood's and Tait's Edinburgh magazine
- 150 editions of the works mostly first or early editions, including American editions
- books about De Quincey
- books belonging to De Quincey and a few fragments of manuscripts, some donated by his daughters
There are no items dating after 1930 in the collection.
How to access
Ask a member of staff in the Central Library search room for the bibliography based on the whole collection (we don't hold all items).
You can also look at items from the collection in the search room, please make an appointment (with at least one day notice).