Barlow Moor Community Association (BMCA)

  1. Address

    23 Merseybank Ave, Chorlton, M21 7NT

  2. Description

    Work Club Offer and days: 

    • Job club Wednesday 1pm to 4pm
    • Digital classes Monday 10am to 12 noon and Thursday 1pm to 3pm
    • Employment support – by appointment
    • English conversation class – Tuesday 10am to 12pm
    • Different course – by appointment
    • Volunteer opportunities within the centre

  3. Phone

    0161 446 4805

  4. Email address

  5. Services

    Information, Advice and Guidance (IAG), is a chance to meet with our friendly advisors, who can give you one-to-one guidance on a whole range of issues. These include legal, employability and money management. To access these services please call the centre to make an appointment.

  6. Location

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