Manchester Deaf Centre

  1. Address

    Crawford House, Booth Street East, Manchester, M13 9GH

  2. Description

    Organisation: Established in 1846, Manchester Deaf Centre is the largest local organisation to provide support to the local deaf community and beyond in Greater Manchester. We host a variety of services and groups that offer support, learning and training opportunities, social events and much more.

    Work club offer: Our training, employment and enterprise programme is person-cantered, understanding the multitude of additional barriers that our service users face. We work with service users during one-to-one sessions to ensure they have the right information, support, and access to address their needs. We have supported people who have been offered a job within 2 weeks of registration and there have been others who have been with us for approximately eighteen months, as they require in-depth support and training before they become job ready.  

    Work club delivery days: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

  3. Phone

    0161 273 3415

  4. Email address

    Contact to arrange an appointment

  5. Services

    Work search techniques, sign posting clients to relevant bodies e.g. BSL healthy mind, sign health, sensory teams, colleges, DWP etc. Various pre-employability training courses.

    Training in overcoming barriers to work, help with job search, application and transition to the workplace; work with employers to breakdown perceived barriers to the employment of deaf people.

    Business in the Community and employer beneficiaries of Deaf Awareness and Access to Work training by MDC through careers advice, work on job application and CV-writing, mock interviews and transition to the marketplace/workplace for deaf people at arms-length from the labour market

  6. Location

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