Baguley Park

  1. Location

    Bowland Road, Baguley, Manchester, M23 1DL

  2. Opening times

    From dawn to dusk

  3. Facilities

    • Children's play area
    • Multi use games area (MUGA)

  4. Play area (age group)

    15 and under

  5. Transport to and around Manchester

    Visit to find transport links

  6. Dogs not allowed

    • Children's play area
    • Multi use games area (MUGA)

  7. History

    Baguley Park was created in 1958 to serve the local population and offered a public facility, amenities included a children's play area, bowling and putting greens, ornamental gardens with attractive promenade, shelter, meeting rooms and park office. To date improvement work has included the introduction of a new hard standing multi-sport ball-court, new seating, new-build pathways, improved management of shrubbery and the completion of perimeter railing installation. A dedicated warden have enhanced communication between residents and the local parks team, which along with the new facilities, has significantly reduced incidents of anti-social behaviour.

  8. Report a problem

    Report any problems in this park

  9. Email

  10. More on parks

    More about parks, playgrounds and open spaces in Manchester

    Barbecues are not permitted in Manchester parks

  11. External links

    Find out more about activities at this park through MCR Active

  12. Location map

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