Boggart Hole Clough

  1. Location

    Charlestown Road, Blackley, Manchester, M9 7DH

  2. Opening times

    From dawn to dusk

  3. Facilities

    Children's play area, Athletics track, Bowling green, Boating lake, Fishing area, Cafe and toilets

    Free wifi available at the Boggart Hole Clough Visitor Centre

  4. Play area (age group)

    3 to 10 years

  5. Transport to and around Manchester

    Visit to find transport links

  6. Dogs not allowed

    • Children’s play  areas
    • Athletics track (including football pitch)
    • Café and toilets

  7. Dogs to be kept on lead

    Boating Lake and Fishing Pond

  8. Report a problem

    Report any problems in this park

  9. Email

  10. More on parks

    More about parks, playgrounds and open spaces in Manchester

    Barbecues are not permitted in Manchester parks

  11. External links

    Find out more about activities at this park through MCR Active

  12. Location map

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