Read this guidance carefully before submitting your application: fees are not refundable.
A Temporary Event Notice (TEN) may be submitted to authorise licensable activities for a limited period of time. Licensable activities which may be authorised by a TEN are:
- the retail sale of alcohol (at any time);
- the provision of regulated entertainment (at any time); or
- the provision of hot food or hot drink (between 11pm and 5am).
Under certain circumstances, entertainment (Plays, Dance, Films, Indoor Sporting Events and Boxing or Wrestling Entertainment) is exempt from regulation.
Entertainment and circumstances where authorisation is not required:
- Plays - between 0800 and 2300 each day (where attendance is 500 or less);
- Dance - between 0800 and 2300 each day (where attendance is 500 or less);
- Films - screening of a not for profit film exhibition, held in community premises, between 0800 and 2300 each day (where attendance is 500 or less);
- Indoor Sporting Events - between 0800 and 2300 each day (where attendance is 1000 or less); and
- Boxing or Wrestling - contest/exhibition or display of Greco-Roman wrestling, or freestyle wresting between 0800 and 2300 each day (where attendance is 1000 or less).
Please note: a Temporary Event Notice can only authorise licensable activities for events with an attendance of 499 people or less, including staff.
Notice period:
You must give a minimum of 10 clear working days’ notice of a standard TEN or a minimum of 5 working days for a late TEN. A working day is any day other than a Saturday, a Sunday, Christmas Day, Good Friday, or a bank holiday.
The notice period does not include the day on which the event is to start, or the day on which the TEN is given.
Authorisation of a TEN is subject to certain limits:
- the total number of times a premises user may give a TEN is 50 times in a calendar year for a personal licence holder and five times in a calendar year for other people;
- the number of times a premises user may give a Late TEN is limited to 10 times in a calendar year for a personal licence holder and twice for other people. Note that Late TENs are included in the total number of permitted TENs.
- the number of times a TEN may be given for any particular premises is 15 times in a calendar year;
- the maximum duration of an event authorised by a TEN is 168 hours (seven days);
- the maximum total duration of the events authorised by TENs in relation to individual premises is 21 days in a calendar year. Please note that a day is a period of 24 hours beginning at midnight, so if you hold a temporary event that continues beyond midnight (from 11pm until 1am the following morning for example) this counts as two days out of the 21-day maximum per premises.
- the maximum number of people attending at any one time is 499, but please note that this includes people working at the event (bar staff, performers, stewards etc) as well as any audience or customers;
- the minimum period between events authorised under separate TENs in relation to the same premises by the same premises user is 24 hours.
Exceeding the above permitted limits makes the premises user liable for prosecution.
Application and guidance notes
Attachments required
A plan (if relevant)
Processing and timescales
The TEN will be acknowledged within 1 working day and sent to both Greater Manchester Police and the Licensing and Out of Hours Compliance Team, who may object within 3 further working days.
View licensed premises and temporary event notices on the Licensing Act 2003 Public Register (external website).
Contact Licensing in the first instance
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