The area highlighted on a map
Street addresses
Selective licensing would affect any property located within these addresses.
Road Number Postcode(s) Beverley Street 5 to 96(odd/evens) M9 4ED, M9 4FB Capstan Street 2 to 28 (evens) M9 4DU Cobden Street 1 to 181 (odds/evens) M9 4DX, M9 4DY, M9 4DZ, M9 4EB Dalbeattie Street 8 to 53 (odds/ even) M9 4AP, M9 4AQ Dollond Street 1 to 35 (odds/ even) M9 4FF Glen Avenue 2 to 14 (even) M9 4EE Goodman Street 11-115 (odds) 32 -44 (even) flats included M9 4FD Hemsley Street 2 to 18 (even) M9 4AU Hemsley Street South 1 to 11 (odd) M9 4AX Holtby Street 13 to 92 (odds/even) M9 4AR, M9 4AS Joule Street 1 to 38 (odds/evens) M9 4FE Leegrange Road 1 to 78 (odds/even) M9 4FA Lewis Avenue 2 to 30 (even) M9 4BT Marlfield Street 22 to 55 (odds/evens) M9 4BA Melbourne Street 1 to 43 (odds/evens) M9 4EH Monart Road 1 to 20(odd/evens) M9 4BU, M9 4ER Moston Lane 151 to 161 (odds) flats included M9 4HR Nepaul Road 1 to 71 (odds/evens) M9 4EA Routledge Walk 1 to 56 (odds/even) M9 4DT York Street 24 to 83 (odds/evens) M9 4FH -
Related downloads
The designation was made on Monday 31 January 2022. It came into force on Sunday 1 May 2022 and will run for five years.
However you can still view the related resources at the links provided.
You can find out more about the background to the proposals by reading the Executive and Scrutiny Committee minutes by using the following links:
- Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee – 4.3.2020, Item 9
- Executive – 9.9.2020, Item 9
- Economy Scrutiny Committee meeting on 9.12.21, Item 61
Other related resources