Moss Side

  1. Ward-specific objectives

    Nature and biodiversity:

    • Deliver the My Wild Moss Side programme over the year
    • Work with Manchester City Council (MCC) Grounds Maintenance to create a programme for hedging, wildflowers and plants on Quinney Crescent and into Whalley Range for a biodiversity corridor.
    • Provide Neighbourhood Investment Funding (NIF) or other funding for at least five greening projects over the year.
    • Ensure that Brotherhood of the Cross and Star successfully implement their Greater Manchester Green Space fund – providing NIF if necessary.

    Young people:

    • Promote the MCC Green Schools Network to any Moss Side schools that are not already on it.
    • Reactivate the Junior Police Community Support Officer (PCSO) scheme with at least one Moss Side school.
    • Deliver a programme of at least five Active Street or Play Street events throughout the year.

    Transport, active travel, air quality:

    • Work with Marston Holdings, Manchester Metroplitan University and other MCC teams to develop the Air We Breathe project. This includes funding and installing air quality monitors onto a school, plus submitting a DEFRA funding bid by the end of the year.
    • Support resident-led active travel planning, for example with Moss Side Eco Squad

    Things we buy, use and bin:

    • Use NIF to fund at least two projects focused on circular economy or reducing and reusing.
    • In partnership with other wards with high student populations, carry out a dedicated door-to-door recycling information campaign around the time of student move outs (late June) and student move-ins (early October).
    • Ensure Biffa or other waste partner are at every event hosted throughout the year.
    • Support Manchester as a Refill destination by getting at least 10 new businesses signed up to the app.


    • Over the year use NIF or other funding to financially assist at least two groups who are focused on food growing or reducing food waste.
    • Ensure that all food options at events we organise are vegetarian or vegan.

    Homes and energy efficiency:

    • Work with People Powered Retrofit to deliver the Energise local advice pilot project (working across Moss Side and Levenshulme)
    • Issue 100 LED lightbulbs to residents at events throughout the year

    Engagement, raising awareness, influencing change:

    • Collaborate with local partners, such as Mosscare St Vincent, on aligning budgets within the Hulme Moss Side and Rusholme Team Around the Neighbourhood (HMSR TAN) and fund at least one joint initiative by the end of the year.
    • Host climate change information or carbon footprint pledge stall at three or more events over the year.

  2. Who else is involved, and what they're doing

    People Powered Retrofit (PPP) / Carbon Co-op:

    PPP have successfully applied for government funding to run an innovative project piloting a new approach to providing local in-person energy advice. The project covers Moss Side, Whalley Range and Levenshulme and will starts in Autumn 2023. Find out more online at


    Upping it in Moss Side:

    This is a grassroots community group dedicated to working within the neighbourhood to help restore civic pride, reduce waste, and foster a sense of community in the Edwardian streets and alleys of Moss Side. Find out more on the Upping It Facebook page.


    The Powerhouse:

    This facility sits at the centre of the Moss Side community, and we partner with them on all manner of things - particularly when young people are concerned. Find out more online at



    The Boilerhouse in Moss Side is a hotbed for sustainable, forward-thinking ideas. Run by the team behind Sow the City, the former district power station hosts a monthly Repair Café, a community repaint (reusing old, unwanted cans of paint) and a bike workshop - amongst other things. Find out more online at


    Recycle Bees:

    Luke from Recycle Bees works tirelessly in several schools in the area to ensure that children have meaningful access and interactions with the natural world.

  3. Contact

    Contact the Moss Side team by email:

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