The Licensing Act 2003 covers the sale and supply of alcohol. It also covers regulated entertainment. This includes the sale of hot food and drink after 11pm. This is known as late night refreshment.
Our licensing policy under that Act is the key document. It sets out how we, as the licensing authority, will carry out our duties. We will do so to promote the four licensing goals in Manchester. The four objectives are:
- The prevention of crime and disorder
- Public safety
- The prevention of public nuisance
- The protection of children from harm.
In summary, this revision of the policy aims to:
Address the main issues. They have become more important for licensed premises. They include women’s safety, spiking, and vulnerability. They also include Martyn’s Law, shadow licences, and delivery services.
Focus on specific areas. Set ‘objectives’ for identified parts of the city. This is for areas with 'clusters' of licensed premises.
Promote a diverse licensed economy. Do this by considering the type of venue, its location, its hours, and its operating standards.
We aim for a lively and varied licensed economy. We want different types of venues that reflect local needs. This will make the city's economy more appealing, help it grow, and involve more people. We also want to ensure the city grows sustainably and safely.
The policy is flexible and considers applications based on their merits. In some cases and areas, it requires a stricter approach to achieve licensing objectives.
A core new principle is to outline how hours of operation should relate to different phases of the nighttime economy.
- Twilight - 5pm to 7pm
- Evening economy - 6pm to 10pm
- Night Time Economy - 9pm to 1am
- Late night economy - 12am midnight to 4am
All licence applicants, current licence holders, and anyone in the licensing process must follow it.
Download the Statement of Licensing policy.
Link to more information
More information on Licensing