Who can get one
These children may be able to get a free pass:
- Manchester residents at a state funded Manchester secondary school more than 3 miles but less than 15 miles from home if there is no nearer, similar school.
- Manchester residents at a school outside Manchester between 3 and 15 miles from their home if there is no nearer, similar school.
- Manchester residents at state funded secondary schools less than 3 miles from home if the child could not be expected to walk the route and there's no suitable school within walking distance.
- Children who have ever been 'looked after' by Manchester City Council, including children in care, fostered or adopted, whose school is more than 2 miles from their home.
- Children in year 10 or 11 who have recently moved to Manchester and want to stay at a school outside Manchester that is 3 to 15 miles from their home.
- Children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) – but contact us on 0161 219 6400 before applying.
- Some children in temporary or homeless families accommodation.
Non-faith school
- Children aged 11 to 16
- Gets free school meals due to low income and claim Universal Credits
- Attends one of their three nearest suitable secondary schools which is between 2 and 6 miles from their home
Faith school
- Children aged 11 to 16
- Gets free school meals due to low income and claim Universal Credits
- Attends a secondary school or Academy between 2 and 15 miles from their home - if this is their preferred school on grounds of religion or belief.
Low income is defined as pupils who receives free school meals due to low income and claim Universal Credits.