Environmental search requests
We can carry out environmental searches and provide information on issues for sites within the Manchester City Council boundary.
We have three types of searches:
- Conveyancing or homebuyers search (£79)
- Environmental search covering up to 5000 square metres (£158)
- Environmental search covering 5001 square metres up to 15000 square metres (£276)
Read about the searches and what is covered
For searches more than 15000 square metres, email contact@manchester.gov.uk for a quote.
You should contact the relevant agencies for:
- Animal burial sites - North West Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency
- Hazardous installations and hazardous substances consents - Planning Department
- Mining - Coal Authority
- Petroleum spirit storage tanks - Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
- Pollution incidents (of controlled waters) and Control of Major Accident Hazard (COMAH) regulated sites - Environment Agency
- Radon - Public Health England.