Our promise is to respect you as an individual, regardless of religious belief, ethnicity, sexuality, gender identity or disability, and support you on your journey to be a resilient and confident person in your own right.
Respect you
- We will make sure we support you in a kind, compassionate, considerate and timely way.
- We will listen to you and value your voice, as an individual and through our Children in Care Council and Care Leavers Council.
- We will involve you in decisions and plans about your life.
- We will make sure you feel comfortable and supported to attend your meetings and reviews if you wish to.
- We will try to help you to understand why you are in our care.
- We will talk to you in a language or use methods that you understand.
Care for you
- We will make sure we provide a stable environment for you to live and learn in.
- We will do everything to make sure your happiness, wellbeing and safety are our priorities.
- We will support you to stay healthy and make sure you get good health care when you need it (including your physical, mental and sexual health).
- We will make sure you live with people who care about and support you.
- We will wherever possible help you keep in contact with the people who matter to you.
- We will provide you with accurate information and advice and help you to access services that can help you.
- We will make sure you know your rights and who to turn to if you are unhappy or wish to make a formal complaint.
Support you
- We will provide a named teacher in your school or education setting who understands the issues that you may face.
- We will try to avoid unnecessary placement and/or school changes.
- We will help you to find hobbies and interests to develop new skills and friendships.
- We will support you in any pathways you choose beyond school or college, including going to university or into an apprenticeship.
- We will encourage you to be the best you can be and achieve the goals and dreams you have set.
Help you grow
- We will help and support you to become independent and take charge of your own life.
- We will do everything we can to build the skills and confidence to help you make a smooth transition into adult life.
- We will show you how to be responsible for your own actions and how to participate as an active citizen.