Good quality rented housing makes a valuable contribution to the city. Sixty thousand households rent from private landlords – that’s 30 per cent of all Manchester homes.
We encourage and work with investors, landlords and agents to improve accommodation and management.
But we also take action where landlords or agents don’t come up to standards, for example by not doing repairs or not keeping to their side of the tenancy agreement.
We also support private tenants, helping them understand their responsibilities too.
Improve standards, enhance your reputation
Are you a private landlord or agent? Do you want to improve standards and enhance your reputation?
- sign the Manchester Renting Pledge – a public commitment to keep to decent standards
- join a professional association and get accredited
Landlord guide and property checklist
We would encourage landlords to keep up to date with policy changes, seek further information and get their own independent legal advice for any matters that come up during the course of the tenancy.
The property checklist will assist landlords in identifying possible hazards within the rented property. It is a landlord's responsibility to ensure their property is kept in good repair and is safe for the occupiers.
You may wish to download the Landlord guide.
Landlord Advice and Inspections
We can provide detailed advice to landlords on how to comply with your legal obligations in respect of housing and public health requirements, housing standards, and good practice. We charge £95 for this service.
We can carry out an advisory inspection of up to 10 bedrooms and provide detailed written advice for £453. We charge an additional £90 per hour for larger properties.