Benefits and support Discretionary Payments

Discretionary Council Tax Payments

You may be able to get temporary help if you are struggling to pay your Council Tax in certain circumstances and you are suffering exceptional hardship.

You do not have to be entitled to Council Tax Support to qualify for this. We look at each application individually - but you must:

  • live in the area covered by Manchester City Council; and
  • be in severe hardship through unusual circumstances.

We are more likely to give you extra help if:

  • You started to have problems recently - for example after a reduction in Council Tax Support - rather than having had problems for a long time.
  • Your council tax problems are out of the control of you and your household - we expect adults who live with you to contribute to the bill.
  • You will work with us to pay off any council tax you owe and are likely to stay out of debt in the future.

If you apply but are refused we won't normally consider another application unless your circumstances have become worse.

Apply for extra help with your council tax bill

Our Discretionary Council Tax Payments Policy

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