Consultation results
The consultation period closed on 31 August 2019. We received 2,421 responses. 2.4% of these were from organisations and 97.6% from applicants and residents. In general, the responses received were extremely positive and in favour of the proposed policy changes.
We received a varied response in relation to the community contribution/working household priority, where a relatively small majority are in favour of removing this extra priority, as we recommended.
The results of this consultation were reported to our Neighbourhoods and Environment Scrutiny Committee on 6 November 2019 and to the Executive on 13 November 2019, where the Executive approved the changes to the Housing Allocation Policy, which include:
- Improve housing opportunities for homeless residents
- Residents facing domestic violence will be placed in bands 1 and 2, rather than 1, 2 and 3
- Introducing a two year residency rule to apply to be on the housing register. Currently requirement is simply to have a Manchester address.
- Homeowners will no longer be able to join the housing register to bring in line with other local authorities
- The saving limit for applicants will be reduced from £75k to £30k to bring in line with other local authorities
- Award different levels of priority for degrees of overcrowding.
- Have fewer bands on the allocations scheme, to make it easier to navigate and easier to understand
The policy changes are due to be implemented by September 2020, with our staff, members and partner organisations delivering a robust plan of communications and training before this date, to help applicants understand the new policy and what it means for their application.
The new housing allocations policy will be reviewed at 12, 24 and 36 months to mitigate for any unintended consequences.