A conversation about ‘Our Future Manchester': the road to 2025
This consultation is now closed.
Making Manchester the best it can be.
Manchester has been heading strongly towards a 2025 target to become an even more talented, fair, buzzing, great-to-live-in, connected place.
We'd come so far because the vision we were aiming for belonged to thousands of Mancunians who’d agreed the kind of Manchester we should become by 2025.
Individuals, businesses, community organisations and public services – every part of Manchester’s society – contributed their ideas on how to make an even greater city over the next few years.
Even before COVID-19 set us back, we knew that our growing success was not reaching some of the people and communities we need to reach.
Not enough of our most disadvantaged people and communities are yet sharing enough of our city’s economic wealth, better-paid jobs, improving education and training, or our wider choice of housing options.
That’s why we need to check in and continue our conversation to make sure that over the next five years we focus on the right things together – and we can only do this together.
The challenge of making Manchester’s future better for everyone is so big that if we are to overcome the tough challenges, including the setback of COVID-19, Manchester people must step up – in their home, street and community – to play their part in making more of what’s going well.
For Manchester, a successful city means that nobody is left behind, so every resident, no matter where they live or what their background, must have the same chances to enjoy the fairer, happier, healthier, wealthier, zero-carbon future that Our Manchester is aiming for.
Moving Manchester Forward
It’s time to make sure that we’re taking the best route to becoming the Manchester we all want. We must take more residents — from places and communities hardest hit by past disadvantage — with us on this journey to Manchester’s bright future.
Just as Manchester’s residents, business, voluntary and community organisations, and public services were at the heart of fighting COVID, we’ll all be at the heart of the recovery too, together, getting Manchester back on track.
The basics needed for every resident to have a better life haven’t changed.
Our city still needs to be:
- Thriving — creating great jobs and healthy businesses that our people benefit from.
- Filled with talent – homegrown in all our local communities as well as the world’s best.
- Fair — with equal chances for all to unlock their potential, no matter where in our city they were born, or where they live.
- A great place to live — with loads to do, leading the way to a low-carbon future that creates new opportunities for our residents
- Buzzing with connections — world-class transport and brilliant broadband that put all Mancunians in touch with chances to get ahead.
The challenge to now include everyone in this successful future is bigger than ever. But Manchester is determined to do it. We've seen, through the COVID spring of 2020, what coming together in new ways, and doing things differently, can achieve.
Thank you to everyone who shared their thoughts and ideas about the future of Our Manchester.