Consultations and surveys Ardwick Green consultation


The vision for Ardwick Green is that it will be enhanced as a community-led neighbourhood, where the distinctiveness and history of the area is apparent and preserved, whilst it looks forward to a greener and cleaner future.

The five themes that support this vision are;

Community-centred activity

To support the local community through continued participation when bringing forward development proposals. This will include new and improved community infrastructure and a need to protect, boost and expand on the existing workplaces and creative industry in the area.

Green spaces

Ardwick Green park, is an important part of the wider Victorian Manchester Parks movement and could become the green heart of the neighbourhood, providing a central point in greening Ardwick with other environmental improvements such as creating greener stretches of street along the Mancunian Way.

Being ‘appropriately Ardwick’:

Ardwick Green is made up from smaller, defined character areas which could be developed together with whole area in mind.

Harnessing heritage:

Ardwick Green contains historic buildings of note and interest, including several listed, high-quality Georgian properties surrounding the park with their presence allowing the history of the area and the story of Ardwick Green as a community to be on display.

A place to live, work and play:

The mixed residential and commercial character of the area, preserving and developing the creative industries that have made the area their home and providing a neighbourhood in which they can flourish, alongside a high quality affordable housing offer close to the city centre.

To view the consultation objectives in more detail, download  the Ardwick Green NDF



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