Update and next steps
Results from the most recent consultation on the Levenshulme and Burnage Active Travel Neighbourhood have found a large majority of residents support the project.
During the winter of 2021-22 between 17 December and 30 January the public were asked for their views on the design and implementation of filters, extra infrastructure for pedestrians and traffic calming measures.
Consultation responses
- A total of 917 (previously incorrectly shown as 979) complete responses were recorded during this period with results showing that 70% of residents believed the Active Travel Neighbourhood was good for the area.
- 73.2% (previously incorrectly shown as 74%) of people felt that the scheme would be good for pedestrians, 72.3% (previously incorrectly shown as 74%) felt the scheme would be good for cyclists and most importantly over half of those surveyed said they would be more likely to walk (58% - previously incorrectly shown as 46%) or cycle (54% - previously incorrectly shown as 42%) as a result of the project.
- 12 of the 14 filters proposed as part of Phase 1 will now be made permanent, with the filters at Manor Road and Henderson Street to be relocated, following resident feedback.
Proposed changes
Discussions with Transport for Greater Manchester are ongoing about the final design of Phase 2, but it is hoped that work will begin on the ground later this year.
Further detail on this project will be made available at a later date, but some of the proposed changes would include:
- Improved controlled crossing facilities across the A6 outside the Leisure Centre, at Alma Park primary school, on Broom Lane, Errwood Road and Matthew’s Lane, and at the junctions of Burnage Lane/Grangethorpe Drive, Moseley Road/Slade Lane and Matthew’s Lane/Mount Road.
- Revised traffic calming measures and improved crossing facilities on Grangethorpe Drive, Chapel Street, Cromwell Grove, Crayfield Road/Marley Road, Broom Lane and Matthew’s Lane.
- Widening of degraded footway to allow better access for all on Broom Lane.
- Provision of cycle tracks on Errwood Road and Matthew’s Lane, and quiet-cycle routes signed though filtered areas.
- Revised filter location on Manor Road and review of proposed additional filter on Linden Park and Milwain Road
The most recent updates to the Levenshulme and Burnage Low Traffic Neighbourhood Scheme can be found on manchester.gov.uk/improvements.