Consultations and surveys City Centre Active Travel Scheme consultation second stage

CCATF outline design consultation

The consultation set out a range of proposals to make walking and cycling easier and safer in this area, a key change being that Deansgate will be made one way (southbound) between Peter Street and Great Bridgewater Street in order to install a two-way segregated cycle lane on the eastern side along this stretch.

More than 500 people responded to the CCATF consultation, by completing the online survey, emailing or attending events (online, and in person).  A number of engagement events were held for both businesses and members of the public.

The majority of respondents travel through the city for business or leisure reasons, many of them on foot and by public transport, and many live in the city centre and/or work there. Responses were received from across the greater Manchester authorities but were largely from Manchester.

Respondents were asked how good or bad they thought the proposals would be for the city, the responses were mostly positive - for Area 2 (Chester Road/Bridgewater Viaduct/Deansgate/Whitworth Street West) the total positive response (i.e. people who said it would be very positive and positive) was 61%, against 32% total negative).

The people who were most positive about the scheme identified themselves as regularly walking or cycling in the city or using public transport. Those who felt more negatively were people who drive in the city, have a business in the city or have a disability and would be affected by the changes. A link to more information on the comments made and our response is below.

Most people who took part in the consultation felt that the changes would encourage more people to walk or cycle along those routes, would link key routes and transport hubs, and make walking and cycling safer in these areas.

Due to the budget available, a decision has been taken to prioritise Area 2 (Chester Road/Bridgewater Viaduct/Deansgate/Whitworth Street West) and progress with plans using the current funding already secured.

Future funding opportunities for Area 3 (Whitworth Street/ Fairfield Street/ Aytoun Street/ London Road) are being explored.

This will mean that Area 2 can progress as soon as possible, linking to the Deansgate Streets for All project, and delivering connected cycleway from the city centre to Chorlton. We are progressing this to the detailed design stage and will be releasing further plans shortly.


Factory Water Street TRO statutory consultation

Thirty-seven responses were received as part of the Factory TRO consultation by email, and also ten more through the consultation around the City Centre Active Travel Scheme.

The outcome of both consultations is being reviewed jointly, and both schemes will continue to be coordinated internally. The formal legal TRO process for Water Street will now progress. The scheme was designed to manage the public safety concerns raised by the City Council's security advisors and GMP Counter Terrorism officers.  The removal of general traffic from a section of Water Street which passes under the Factory International building provides for Heavy Vehicle Mitigation measures and guards against threats to public safety. The respondents to the consultation have been provided with feedback on their comments.


View the list of comments and responses from both the CCATF and Water Street TRO consultation.





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