Have your say on plans for the site previously known as Airport City North.
Take part in the consultation on the proposed MIX MANCHESTER Strategic Regeneration Framework (SRF). This replaces previous studies and proposals for the site.
The SRF aims to establish this new facility as the UK's best-connected campus for science, innovation and manufacturing.
The consultation runs until 8 October 2024.
Find out more and have your say
Visit: https://mix-manchester.com/consultation/
Contact the project team
Meet them face-to-face at two drop-in events. Ask questions and give feedback on the proposals.
Woodhouse Park Lifestyle Centre, Wythenshawe, M22 1QW
Monday 9 September 9.30am to 2.30pm
Tuesday 17 September 4.30pm to 7.30pm
Call: 0800 068 84871, 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Email: feedback@mix-manchester.com