We're updating our gambling policy – have your say
This consultation is closed
We're reviewing our gambling policy, and any updates will take effect in January 2025. We must publish a revised gambling policy every three years.
Our Statement of Gambling Policy:
- explains how we handle gambling licences in Manchester
- gives clear guidance to licence holders, applicants, and anyone commenting on licence applications
- helps us make fair decisions when reviewing gambling applications.
What’s changing?
This review is a minor update of our current policy. New guidance from the Gambling Commission is expected soon. Once it's released, we'll review our policy again.
Key updates in the policy
- New references to the Greater Manchester Gambling Harms – Strategic Needs Assessment.
- You must submit extra documents when applying for gaming machine permits.
Here’s a summary of the changes:
Section 3
- Updates to student information and a link to the State of the City report.
Section 4
- We've revised the section on Gambling-Related Harm and Public Health.
- We've added information from the Greater Manchester Gambling Harms: Strategic Needs Assessment.
Section 6
- We've updated the Local Area Profile. This includes links to new evidence, such as the Greater Manchester Gambling Harm report.
- We've updated older references to research on vulnerable groups. New information comes from the Greater Manchester Gambling Harms: Strategic Needs Assessment.
Section 8
- There's a new requirement. Gambling permit applicants must show how they will follow the Gambling Commission’s Code of Practice.
- We've added Chapter One to the list of helpful organisations.
This consultation closed on 11.59 pm on 7 October 2024.