Registering and Declaring Interests
Inspect our Records
Each member's individual entry in the Register of Interests can be viewed on the website or inspected at the Town Hall, Manchester. The online copies of each member's declaration is available on the website page for that individual member.
View the Members' detail pages to view their Register Entries
Minutes of meetings are also available on the website, showing what interests have been declared in a meeting.
Registering Interests
Members of the Council are required to declare their personal and pecuniary interests, and any interests that might be seen as prejudicing their decision-making. As well as the elected councillors, this definition of Members of the Council includes people who have been co-opted onto a Committee of the Council.
Interests need to be declared in relation to:
- Any employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried on for profit or gain
- Sponsorships received
- Contracts between them and the council, or contracts with companies they are involved in
- Land in the area of the city council they own or control or have an interest in
- Licences to occupy land in the city
- Corporate tenancies where the council is the landlord
- Securities, significant shareholdings worth more than £25,000
- Bodies to which they are appointed or nominated by the council
- Interests in charities, societies and other bodies
- Gifts and hospitality received in excess of £100 in value
Declaring Interests in Meetings
In addition to registering interests, councillors are required to declare them at Council and committee meetings that they attend as members, where they relate to an item of business for that meeting.
Where the interest declared is a personal one it is noted and the councillor can take part in the meeting. Where the interest declared is a pecuniary or prejudicial one they must leave the meeting while that item of business is dealt with, so there can be no suggestion they were able to influence any decisions made in the meeting.
Any interests declared at the meeting are recorded in the minutes of the meeting.