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Domestic violence and abuse

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Domestic violence and abuse covers a range of behaviours. These include physical, emotional, sexual and financial abuse, within all types of relationships. This can include threats, constant criticism, isolation, control of money and forced sex. It's also when you change your behaviour because you're scared of someone. It could be your partner, ex-partner or another family member.

It can also include so-called ‘honour’ based abuse, forced marriage and female genital mutilation. Domestic violence and abuse involves any single incident or pattern of incidents where someone's behaviour towards another is abusive, and where the people involved are aged 16 or over.

Sometimes it's difficult to know, ask yourself this:

  • Does your partner or ex-partner threaten you and your children?  
  • Are you and your children often frightened by your partner?  
  • Are you degraded and picked on?  
  • Are you not allowed to have contact with friends and family?  
  • Does your partner always check where you have been, how much you spend, who you speak to?  

What can I do? 

If you are being abused it’s a good idea to talk to someone, even if you do not want to do anything about it. Speak to someone and get some support for yourself. Getting someone to keep a record of the incidents will help you in the future if you decide to do something about it.

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