Crime, antisocial behaviour and nuisance I am worried about someone else

I'm a professional working with DVA cases

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If you're a professional working with someone who has disclosed domestic abuse, or you suspect domestic abuse, here’s what you should do: 

Once you have completed the form: 

a) If the information you have is less than 14 ‘Yes’ ticks and you don’t have any reason to suggest this is deemed higher risk, you will need the victim/survivor's consent to refer to a specialist service.  

If the victim has care and support needs and/or children, then you should discuss a referral for Early Help and Adult Early Support team.

b) If there are more than 14 ‘Yes’ ticks, or the abuse is escalating, or you feel in your professional judgement the victim/survivor is at high risk of serious harm, refer this to MARAC. You will need to send the referral to your organisation's MARAC representative, who will upload this to SharePoint.

You do not need consent to refer to MARAC, but it is good practice to inform the victim/survivor.

c) If you have concerns about so called ‘Honour based abuse’, forced marriage or female genital mutilation, consider the ‘One Chance Rule’ 

It is also best practice to keep the case open until an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) has opened the case and a robust safety plan is in place.


Manchester Safeguarding Partnership offer face to face training that will help you to recognise, respond, refer and record domestic violence and abuse. You can also access it via Virtual College.

Manchester Women’s Aid also provides training.


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