Parks, leisure and the arts Terms and Conditions for booking a football pitch

Terms and Conditions

You must read and agree to the following terms and conditions when booking a football pitch.

  1. The Club / Association will ensure that all persons associated with the Club / Association using the facilities during the period for which the Club / Association holds the rights of hire will comply with these conditions of hire.
  2. The Club / Association and its members will adhere to the relevant County Football Association Rules, and any other conditions of rules laid down by other sports governing bodies that may apply from time to time.
  3. The Club / Association and its members will only use the facilities during the football season, the dates of which are agreed on booking and in accordance with the Clubs / Associations fixture list. The Club / Association and its members are to use the pitches at their allocated times only. Using the pitch / pitches at other periods in addition to your allocated times may result in the immediate termination of the period of hire. See Section 16.
  4.  By the 3 rd weekend in May until the second weekend in August, all pitches must not be used for matches or training sessions. The scheduled football pitch reinstatement programme will take place throughout this period and any usage during this time will affect the quality of the playing surfaces for the following season. All teams who are allocated a pitch / pitches are asked to adhere to this request as failure to do so may result in any future application for a pitch being rejected.
  5. The Club / Association and its individual members will not use the facilities outside of the football season unless this is agreed in writing in advance by the City Council.
  6. The Club / Association will have no access of changing rooms for 2020/21 football season in line with current FA Guidance for mobilisation of grassroots football competition and training sessions. All club / association members will have access to the facility toilets on site before, during and after matches and must abide by the social distance measures put in place at all times.
  7. The Club / Association is also responsible for ensuring that the changing room buildings are maintained in a clean and tidy condition at all times; this also includes making sure that players and supporters make use of the litter bins and leave the outdoor area free from litter/rubbish.
  8. The Club / Association will take all necessary steps to ensure that members do not wear or wash their football boots in the changing rooms. This includes banging boots against the wall to remove mud.
  9. Any damage to the facilities during the football season will be reported to the facility manager immediately.
  10. The Club / Association will be liable in respect of any damage caused to the facilities during use by them.
  11. The Club / Association will indemnify and keep indemnified the City Council against all actions, claims, demands, proceedings, damages, costs, charges and expenses whatsoever in respect of or in any way arising out of the Club / Association use of the facilities in relation to the injury or death of any person and the loss of or damage to any property.
  12. During the football season the Club / Association is not entitled to exclusive use of the facilities and the facility manager is free to arrange for the use of the facilities by other users at his discretion, and further the servants and agents of the City Council shall have free entry to and exit from the facilities during the period whilst the Club / Association holds the right of hire for the facilities.
  13. The Club / Association shall not permit anything to be carried on at the facilities that is unlawful, that constitutes a nuisance, that is disorderly or that may bring the City Council into disrepute.
  14. The Club / Association shall not assign or sub let the facilities to any persons.
  15. The Club / Association agree to pay the costs for hire of the facilities associated with the Club / Associations requirements, as specified by the City Council. Payment is to be made promptly on receipt of the invoice. Failure to pay for the hire of facilities promptly will result in pursuit of the outstanding costs through the City Council Legal Department.
  16. The Club / Association must only use their allocated pitch. If the referee deems your pitch unplayable your match must be cancelled - no other pitch can be used as a substitute. Any team found to be playing on a pitch that has not been allocated to them, without receiving prior permission from the facility manager, may be liable to their pitch allocation being revoked.
  17. In the event that the Club / Association or its members fail to comply with these conditions the City Council will be entitled to terminate the period of hire without giving any notice to the Club / Association. In these circumstances the hire fees in respect of any unexpired part of the period of hire are non refundable.
  18. The Clubs must submit a match / activity risk assessment to the City Council before accessing the venue. The Clubs will be responsible for updating the risk assessment in-line with government and FA guidelines for grassroots football competition and activities and must resubmit to the City Council as changes are implemented.
  19. The Club / Association and its associated members must act responsibly and adhere to social distance measures before, during and after match / football activities on City Council sites.  All user groups must arrive ready for the match / activity and go directly to the allocated pitch on arrival and leave the site once the match / activity finishes. During match / activity the management team, substitutes and spectators must stand in the designated zones with no more than 6 people in one designated space. The Club / Association will receive the site layout plan and allocated pitch/es on booking the venue.
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