The Manchester Local Plan consists of the planning documents below, which guide development within Manchester. The Local Plan was previously called the Local Development Framework.
Core Strategy 2012 - 2027
Manchester’s Core Strategy was adopted on the 11 July 2012 and is the key document in the Manchester Local Plan. It sets the out the long term strategic policies for Manchester’s future development and will form the framework that planning applications will be assessed against. The adoption statement is the formal notice given by the City Council to adopt the Core Strategy.
The Interactive Proposals Map shows both Core Strategy and extant (remaining) UDP policies.
You can also download the following documents which were submitted alongside and in support of the Core Strategy:
- Sustainability Appraisal and Appendices
- Infrastructure Delivery Plan
- Statement relating to consultation carried out prior to Publication stage (i.e. between 2005 -2010)
Statement relating to representations received at the Publication consultation stage, 10 February – March 2011
Hard copies of the documents are available at our Customer Service Centre in the Town Hall Extension. These documents are also available to view online. See where you can use computers for free.
Core Strategy stages of preparation
- Core Strategy publication documents - Core Strategy Publication Consultation stage took place in February and March 2011. This gives information on the documents that formed part of that consultation stage.
- Core Strategy submission documents - The Core Strategy was submitted to the Secretary of State on the 18 July 2011, for independent examination. This gives information on the documents that formed the submission.
- Core Strategy examination - The examination into the Submitted Core Strategy took place during November and December 2011. The appointed examiner was Jill Kingaby BSc (Econ) Msc MRTPI. This gives information on the examination documents including the Inspector’s report.
Extant Unitary Development Plan (UDP) policies - The Core Strategy replaced much of the Unitary Development Plan (UDP) but some UDP policies are extant (remain). You can see them here.
Greater Manchester Joint Minerals Development Plan - This plan was adopted by each of the ten Greater Manchester authorities and came into force on 26 April 2013. It forms part of the Manchester Local Plan.
Greater Manchester Joint Waste Development Plan (GM Waste Plan website) - This plan was adopted by each of the ten Greater Manchester authorities and came into force on 1 April 2012. It forms part of the Manchester Local Plan.
Supplementary planning documents
Some other supplementary documents give greater detail on specific planning policy areas. These are:
- Guide to development in Manchester - supplementary planning document and guidance
- Providing for Housing - supplementary planning document and guidance
- Special needs and supported housing - supplementary planning guidance and maps
- Hot food Takeaway - supplementary Planning Document and Adoption Statement