Planning and regeneration Commenting on planning applications

Planning and Highways Committee

Applications to be considered at committee

Details of the applications being considered at a meeting of the Planning and Highways Committee, together with the reports on the application, can be found on the agenda page for the committee.

Deadline for comments on applications being considered by committee

Comments and other relevant material are often received after the close of the committee agenda. These will be considered and placed on the public planning file along with all the other papers for the application, subject only to any public exclusion restrictions. 

Where this material needs to be brought to the attention of the Committee, so that it can be considered, it will be presented in the Supplementary Information (Late Representation) Report. It will comprise a summary of what has been raised, in the same way as representations are summarised in the main Committee report, will be circulated to Members of the Committee and published on the Council’s website as soon as it is ready, but before the Committee commences. 

The practicality of producing such a report means there must be a cut-off point for the receipt of late material by the Planning Service. Material received after this time will not be reported to the Committee: this includes new issues not previously raised during the formal consultation period. Only matters deemed to be of a highly significant legal or technical nature after consultation with the City Solicitor will be considered.

The deadline for late comments and materials is noon on the Tuesday before the meeting.   

Material must not be distributed to Planning Committee Councillors by members of the public (including public speakers) or by other Councillors during the meeting. The distribution of such material should be in advance of the meeting through the Planning Service.

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