GMCA is consulting on the Holcroft Moss Planning Obligations Joint Supplementary Planning Document (SPD). The consultation lasts from Friday 1 November to Thursday 12 December 2024. GMCA has prepared this SPD for:
- Bolton
- Bury
- Manchester
- Oldham
- Rochdale
- Salford
- Tameside
- Trafford
- and Wigan
Holcroft Moss is an area of lowland mossland in Warrington. It is within the Manchester Mosses Special Area of Conservation and next to the M62 motorway. The SPD provides guidance on mitigation measures required at Holcroft Moss. These will be needed as a result of increased air pollution caused by traffic from developments across the wider area.
Some developments will cause a significant increase in traffic past Holcroft Moss. The SPD will ensure that contributions can be secured from these to mitigate the impacts on the mossland site. The SPD will provide advice to developers submitting planning applications.
The SPD supplements the Places for Everyone Plan (Policy JP-C8 in the plan).
A hard copy of the consultation draft SPD and a Consultation Statement are available in Manchester Central Library. You will be able to access them between 9am to 8pm Monday to Thursday and 9am to 5pm Friday to Saturday.
How to make comments
Online through the GMCA consultation portal
By email to
By post to: Planning and Housing Team
Greater Manchester Combined Authority
Broadhurst House
56 Oxford Street
M1 6EU
The deadline for comments is midnight on Thursday 12 December 2024
For further information call the GMCA Planning and Housing Team on 0161 778 7000