A thriving and sustainable city
Manchester’s economy and employment offer continues to grow, broaden and diversify. The city’s growth sectors continue to feature business, financial and professional services, and cultural, creative and digital, but there is also substantial growth predicted within construction, and wholesale and retail. The Oxford Road Corridor continues to benefit from significant investment in new buildings, including the new Innovation District area.
The next step of Manchester’s economic journey is to ensure that the economy is as inclusive as possible for the city’s residents; the Developing a More Inclusive Economy - Our Manchester Industrial Strategy will set out how this objective will be achieved.
Manchester’s thriving economy also sustains population growth and stimulates demand for new residential developments, as students, young professionals and new communities increasingly decide to stay in the city long term, attracted to its knowledge-based economy and the richness and vibrancy of the city itself.
Manchester’s emergence as a leading national and international conference destination has proved to be an enduring part of the city’s economic success. Manchester continues to be a major international city, with Manchester Airport acting as the major international gateway into the North of England. The city remains the third most visited in the UK, attracting growing numbers of visitors from across the world.