Profiles and maps
You can find data about Manchester in the Intelligence Hub, an interactive service which allows you to look at maps and charts.
Other ways to look at information:
- The Local Studies Library provides access to reference documents relating to Manchester's history
- ONS local authority profiles provide comparison data at local authority level for child poverty, demography, economic context, employment, enterprise, environment, housing, inclusion, skills and LEPs
- GOV.UK gives access to a selection of information from central government departments, agencies and public bodies
- The UK Data Service is an ESRC-funded resource, acting as a single point of access to a wide range of secondary data including large-scale government surveys, international macrodata, business microdata, qualitative studies and census data from 1971 to 2011.
- GOV.UK gives access to a selection of information from central government departments, agencies and public bodies.
- The Local Government Information Unit provides policy briefings and publications related to local government issues.
- The Local Government Associationissues publications on local authority issues. The LG Inform Plus pages provide a selection of ward data for local authorities.
- NOMIS provides data on employment, unemployment, benefits and Census for Manchester, its neighbourhoods, postcode sectors, parliamentary constituencies and health areas
Other ways to see mapping data for Manchester are:
- MappingGM provides a range of maps that you can use to explore Greater Manchester's housing, planning and infrastructure data
- Ordnance Survey's Open Data provides free access to a selection of mapping datasets available for Great Britain
- Royal Mail Postcode Finder - find a postcode for a UK address.