Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) offers a range of information and support to help us access transport around the city as we get older.
TfGM links
- Journey Planning - travel information including bus timetables and a journey planner to find your route using an address or area
- Ring and Ride - a door-to-door accessible minibus service for people of all ages who find it hard to use public transport
- Local Link - a low-cost, flexible, accessible transport service available to everyone, filling in the gaps where other public transport options are limited or unavailable
- If you have concerns about bus stops, or buses, or have transport issues, you can reach the TfGM Customer Contact Centre on or 0161 244 1000.
Other support
- Transport service directory - an up to date directory of various transport services for older people
- Hospital transport - information about the Patient Transport Service (PTS), a facility available if you have a medical or clinical condition which may stop you getting to your appointment by any other means
- Blue Badge disabled parking permits - information on how to apply, renew or report a stolen or misused blue badge
The Age Friendly Manchester (AFM) Older People's Board gave its official response to the 'Greater Manchester Transport Strategy 2040: Our Vision' after meeting to discuss the proposals and consulting with the AFM Older People’s Assembly.
Further information regarding the Greater Manchester Transport Strategy is available on the TfGM site: Greater Manchester