Age Friendly Manchester Older People’s Board
Established in 2004, the Age Friendly Manchester Older People’s Board is the city’s main consultative group of older people, meeting every eight weeks and providing a critical voice for the Age-Friendly Manchester programme. There are around 15 members, aged over 50, drawn from a wide range of backgrounds, neighbourhoods and organisations. As well as elected members the Board has co-opted members from the LGBT community, Manchester BME network, Carers Forum, TUC Pensioners, Good Neighbours Groups and Wai Yin. It also has political leadership in the form of two Elected Councillors who hold non-voting positions. Its work includes:
Taking older people’s views to national, regional and local government, and other agencies,
- Giving direction to the age friendly programme, and other strategies, and acting as a critical ear,
- Developing expertise about ageing and the issues around it,
- Reporting to the Manchester Older People’s Assembly.
Age Friendly Manchester Older People’s Assembly
Open to all residents of the city aged over 50 and with a membership of over 100 people the Age Friendly Manchester Older People’s Assembly meets every quarter. It acts as a consultative body to discuss and develop new policies and ways of working and is a means of keeping older people informed and up to date about the life of the city.
The Assembly elects a number of representatives to sit on the Age Friendly Manchester Board.
If you would like any further information about the Board, including applying for membership, please contact the Age-Friendly Manchester team using our contact form.