Our Priorities
Manchester’s Ageing Strategy - Manchester: A city for life 2023-2028 focuses on the key priorities for the city and its partners, offering a framework to deliver real improvements to the lives of people aged over 50 putting them centre stage.
Taking the eight key features of an age friendly city, as defined by the WHO, as the starting point Manchester has agreed four key themes for its work:
- Being heard and age equality - outlining an equalities approach and the importance of the voices of people in middle to later life in shaping the life of the city.
- Age-friendly neighbourhoods where we can all age in place - setting out how people can age well in the neighbourhoods of their choice with access to the right services, housing, information and opportunities - social, cultural or economic.
- Age-friendly services that support us to age well - is concerned with services, plans and commissioning adopting age friendly approaches, while focusing on what is needed during the first 18 months of the strategy to counter the impact of Covid-19 and the cost of living emergency on older people.
- Age-friendly work, skills and money - setting out what needs to be done to support older workers (50-67), planning for retirement, and ensuring pensioners receive the financial support they are entitled to.
Age Friendly Manchester Older People’s Charter
The Older People’s Charter was developed by the AFM Older People’s Board and is recognised as a good practice example by the WHO. It identifies a number of guiding principles for services, organisations and businesses to sign up to, and sets out older people’s expectations that they have:
- The right to be treated with dignity and respect
- The right to live independently
- The right to information, advice and guidance in appropriate formats
- The right to lead a healthy life
- The right to influence decision making that affects their lives
- The right to be safe and secure.