Business and investment Employer support: recruitment, apprenticeships, placements, skills and organisational development

Recruitment and restructuring

These pages list some of the services and incentives available to help Manchester employers recruit, support and develop their staff and talent pipeline and to grow their leadership and organisational capabilities.

Recruitment support

  • The Manchester Employer Suite is a full, funded local recruitment service delivered by Job Centre Plus. Visit the Manchester Employer Suite.

  • Employ GM is a partnership between the Growth Company and the Greater Manchester Combined Authority that offers a support for employers across Greater Manchester to help them grow, reshape and bounce back from the impact of Covid-19. Visit Employ GM.

  • BME Promise is a recruitment agency set up to support under-represented BME groups into all levels of employment. 

  • Aspire is part of the Growth Company and supports employers with their Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging employment aspirations. Visit Aspire.

  • Graduates

    • The Our Manchester Graduate Scheme supports graduates into careers within local SMEs, whilst also giving them the opportunity to undertake Continuing Professional Development training funded by Manchester City Council. SMEs will be supported with funding, recruitment and selection. To find out more email
    • Recruit graduates from The University Of Manchester
  • Recruiting in North Manchester

Redundancy and restructuring support 

Redundancy and re-structuring support. Visit the Growth Company

Government information and guidance

Government provides information and guidance across a range of employment topics. Visit GOV.UK employment support pages.

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