Environmental problems Advice for dealing with pests

Mice and Rats

 Mice and rats are mainly active at night. Mice can squeeze through cracks as small as 5mm, so it may be quite difficult to keep them out of your house particularly if you live in an older property.

How to prevent or control an infestation 

  • Reduce the food sources - by keeping your house and particularly the kitchen clean and tidy. Regularly cleaning up any food debris and crumbs from behind and underneath kitchen work surfaces, cupboards and appliances.
  • Proofing - fill in any gaps where mice or rats may be getting in particularly around any pipework to the outside of the building and cover any ventilation grills or air-bricks with a fine metal mesh.
  • Control - a range of traps both humane and lethal and poison baits are available from large supermarkets, and via the internet for home delivery. If you are using any of these methods yourself you must be careful to follow all the safety instructions.
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