The Council and democracy Zero Carbon Manchester

Single-use plastics (SUPs)

We have committed to stop using avoidable single-use plastics (SUPs) in our buildings and services. We want to help other organisations in Manchester to take action too.  

Single-use plastics are plastic items designed for one-time use. Such as:

  • takeaway drink cups and lids
  • drink bottles
  • cutlery
  • bin bags
  • plastic straws
  • packaging.

Some single-use plastics are unavoidable, such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). But we’re talking about avoidable single-use plastics. They're non-essential and non-reusable.   

What we’re doing

We developed an action plan for single-use plastics that identifies the changes needed. We’re reviewing the products we buy. We're asking café operators on our sites to use alternatives. We’re making changes in our buildings and at our markets. And we’re raising awareness. So everyone knows why we should stop using single-use plastics. 

Manchester is now a Refill Destination. Businesses and organisations across the city are signing up as refill sites. The option to refill containers will make a huge impact on plastic waste. As well as benefiting people living in and visiting our city.

How you can help

UK law changed in 2023. More single-use plastic items are now banned. Check you know what they are at

In Manchester, we want to go further. We want to stop using avoidable single-use plastics in the city. Find out more about the #PlasticFreeGM campaign. And sign the pledge to commit your support!

Register as a Refill site at And download the Refill app to find places to refill.

Find more on reducing plastic waste at and Our webinar on single-use plastics is useful for events and venues.


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