Manchester, Salford and Trafford Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
A Strategic Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA) is a technical piece of work which presents an independent analysis of the risk posed by flooding from all sources in the study area, and the version completed in 2011 is the most up to date SFRA for Manchester.
One of the primary purposes of the SFRA is to provide evidence to inform future sustainable development within Manchester, Salford and Trafford, particularly in the Local Authorities’ Core Strategies. This collaboration was based upon hydraulic linkages for watercourses and infrastructure across the three authorities, together with a shared policy focus at the heart of Greater Manchester.
The detailed work within Manchester examined the risk of flooding from all sources, together with interactions and cumulative impacts. The Environment Agency was closely involved with the production of the SFRA, along with other stakeholders.
The SFRA contains an independent analysis of the risk posed by flooding in the study area, and was substantively completed in March 2010. Since this time a number of cartographical and minor textual amendments have been made to improve legibility and consistency and all documents are available to view (see below for a breakdown).
A joint statement on the approach and implications of the SFRA was also agreed by us, Salford City Council, Trafford Council and the Environment Agency in May 2011 and is available alongside the SFRA.