Social services Supporting your relationships

As well as support from a personal advisor, we may be able to offer you additional practical and emotional support to ensure you have safe and supportive relationships.  

Developing independence and taking steps is easier when you have a support network and trusted people to talk to.   

Support offered by a PA will be guided by what you feel would be most helpful but could include:  

  • Providing you with a mentor/peer mentor. 
  • Help to maintain or regain contact with people special to you, or who cared for you in the past, like former foster carers, residential staff or social workers.  
  • Support to reconnect with friends or family to build up your support network; this may involve having difficult conversations we can support you with this.  
  • Support with your adult relationships, including with a partner if there are things you want to change or improve. 
  • Support and guidance to make friends and connections locally to you, including supporting you to attend local groups or clubs. This can include going with you for moral support to get you started! 
  • Exploring what support is available local to you, including opportunities for you to share your skills and give back to your community to help others.  

Resources to support you

  • MIND - family counselling supports  
  • Mcr MIND  
  • 42nd Street - Care Leaver support  
  • Domestic Abuse Courses - Talk Listen Change  
  • Talking Dads / Dads Matter  
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