Social services Support for young people in custody

If you are age 18 or under 

If you have to spend time for any reason in a custodial facility, in addition to your social worker, IRO and Personal Advisor, you will be allocated: 

  • a worker from Youth Offending Service 
  • a worker from the Offender Manager Unit from within the custodial facility you are in 

All will visit you regularly and work together to keep you safe from harm and ensure you have access to services you may need such as health & emotional support, education, money, visits, etc. 

The Leaving Care Service will work with the staff in your custody facility to ensure there is a safe space for Care Leavers to come together and access support from one another.  

There will also be regular meetings with you and help you to develop a constructive plan of activity whilst you are in custody to ensure your time is used effectively.  

We will ensure that custody planning and preparation is carried out in advance of you returning to the community, and that you are aware of what support is in place for you following release. 

We will also work with your family/support network to ensure they too are aware of your plan when you are released.  

If you are over the age of 18 

We will visit you in prison regularly to ensure you are well supported and your needs are being met. This also includes ensuring there is a safe space for you and other care experienced young people to come together and support each other. 

We will provide you with £5 per week (20 per month) for toiletries and spending money whilst in custody. 

We will work with you and your prison officers to ensure you are being given access to opportunities that you are interested in and will increase your prospects when you are released 

When you are released we will continue to offer you the same level of support - always former relevant? 

We will support you to access specific mentoring support from services specialising in young people who have been in custody to help you navigate any additional challenges.  

Support resources


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