Manchester has a growing and diverse community of young people who have sought asylum as children and who are now embarking on their pathway to independence outside the family culture and customs they have grown up with.
However, if you are under 18, have nowhere to live in the UK and no parents to look after you, we will look after you and help you to get the support and advice you need.
It is important that you talk to your Personal Adviser about what is happening with your Immigration status before you turn 18, and if you do not understand, you must tell us.
We will work with all young people to confirm their immigration status as soon as possible by working with legal professionals alongside you.
We also have a specialist Personal Advisors that work with UASC until they have some form of legal permanence in the UK. Talk to your Personal Adviser for advice if you are not clear on next steps.
Please remember that only people who are qualified can give immigration advice.
Care Leavers who have immigration or asylum status from the Home Office will have lots of complicated forms and tasks to complete before they turn 18, and every few years after that.
If things are not done on time, it can have a negative effect on your chances of staying in the UK.
This is a difficult process and it is important that your Pathway Plan is clear about what you need to do.
When you are under 18, you'll have the same entitlements as any other child in need in Manchester.
When you reach 18 years old you will be entitled to a level of care and support from us, but this is subject to your immigration status.
We will plan with you for three possible outcomes (also known as Triple Planning), which means:
- helping you plan for a future in the UK if you are given some form of leave to remain
- ongoing support while you wait for a decision
- helping you make a back-up plan if you have been refused leave to remain in the UK and have exhausted all appeals
Useful contacts
For more information and support you can contact;
- The Refugee Council provide advice and support to help people settle into their new community
- Freedom From Torture provide specialist psychological therapy to help asylum seekers and refugees who have survived torture recover and rebuild their lives
- The Red Cross help refugees, asylum seekers and migrants